Funny post. Lwkmd!

Rofl! hehehe. i saw this super hilarious post on facebook, and i just had to share.
please dont eat or drink, while reading this. i will not be liable for any food lodged in the wrong part of the throat while reading. hehehe
Abeg enjoy....

WhaOooo….. How soooo sad.. hehee   
I imagine the great pain this dude went through…. Holding in such foulness!!! OhmyyY... whaOooo… I mean, LOOK at those veins…!! such tension!!!... The chemical reactions inside.. Whewww... Hope this dude dint B-U-R-S-T though...!! I mean... Why???

C’mmon, just let the thing out…. Let it out brother!! 
I imagine the sound this kinda tension would produce... I mean... LOOK... He's sooo RED & Swollen already!!; it would most likely go... BooM-BooOm-Pra-PRA-poh-PO-POH-PooooooooO….. X_X Hahahaaa and the whiffy STENCH??? ohmyyYY…. #ShakingMyHead.
 And then ALL the heads present would instantly turn towards his direction… ALL hands firmly fixed upon their noses too!! Hahaaaa  
Well, if he decides to run out to ease out the fart, it would most likely drop the VERY moment he stands to run out, and that would equally be embarrassing.
So then, why not just *soberly* drop the thing…. I mean, what's a man to do?? Drop it like it BURNS and then begin to plead for mercy… mercy, yes mercy!! hehee  Plead with the Lady especially...  who had a greater share of the episode, Lolzz. Or what do you think/suggest...?

I mean…. It was nature…. You were PRESSED!!! It's inevitable… OH YES!!! Hahaa!! So, It’s understandable. I will personally understand… me… I'm just kind like that   I sure will understand…  

You had 2 choices ONLY! And either of the two would be noticed and traced to YOU, anyway!! So, do the needful- reeeelEASE it by ALL means!! don’t beat yourself or punish yourself sooooo hard over that  
T'was you simply responding to nature’s call.

(By the way though, here's another solid proof that a crush needs to be crushed, lest, you get CRUSHED!  )
