Ladies, Will you rock natural hair for your wedding? Let's chat!
Its the newest trend in town for black women. we are reverting to our natural hair(unprocessed/without chemical) and to be candid, im even thinking i'm gonna tow that line, at least so that my 'iya mi leko' front line can grow out. not that i've always have front hair though, but im considering it sha.
anyhoo, to the question and debate of the day, do we have 'nashura hair babes' on this blog? and if we do, kindly share with us, would you rock your hair natural, on your big day, or will you cover it with some brazi-mongolian hair.
btw, i ve seen a couple of people rock their natural hair for their weddings. the first being my Mom. she's got the best natural hair i've ever set my eyes on. i've got aunties who decided to stay natural, with their hair as thick and coarse as ''kankan'' (lol)despite the fact that chemicals came to their rescue. the most recent one i have seen is that of celebrity lifestyle blogger, SisiYemmie! she rocked her natural hair with so much elegance!
isn't she lovely?

share with us your thoughts ladies, and if you have rocked your natural hair for your wedding, send me photos so i can feature you on KB.

Sorry this is a repost. i couldnt get to place the post where i wanted it. lol
but anyways, lets get talking ladies!
