That eerie moment when a shark trails a surfer to the shore.

The thought of this makes me shudder...
Thank God the shark didnt get him, and thanks to the onlookers who alerted him of the stalker...
He didnt seem ruffled by he incident though,...saying his casual approach was a decision made on adrenaline.
speaking to Esperance express , he said:
"I'd rather try to hold my ground against it and not freak out and make a commotion," he said.
"It seemed just curious and I didn't want to give it a reason to chase me so I tried to behave casually and keep an eye on it.
"But I didn't know it came up quite so close as I was paddling into the wave to come into the beach with the other lads."
Mr Johnston came to the reef briefly before returning to the water to surf the break alone.
He said he didn't think the shark posed a threat.
"It wasn't that big, it looked smaller than a dolphin," he said.
"If you're going to say a shark is a threat every time you see one, well that's not true.
a close up photo after the cut.

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